Thursday, March 20, 2008

Political Ad Candidate: Representing the Underdog

So I figured the majority of people will be supporting Hillary, Obama, or McCain at this point. I'm going to support least in terms of this political ad. I'm not doing this to be different, but simply because I still have no idea who to vote for (I'm Pennsylvania, so I have a couple weeks). Ralph Nader is the perfect candidate to make an advertisement for, probably because no one else is going to make a serious one about him. If you look closely at some of his issues though, they really are for giving more freedom to the American people. He continuously brings up the point of having fair ballots and open debates. Americans should have the option to see and hear the third party candidates views on public national television. Even if these debates were in addition to the regular front-runner ones, and even if the candidates had no chance of winning, it would still create a greater force behind trying to get the two-party candidates to address the ignored issues.

A slogan to represent Nader's stance on open debates could be:
"It's not too late, Nader for open debates"

This is subject to change, but it shows how time is of the essence. Nader didn't announce his candidacy until very late in the race, because there was no chance of him being part of the debates or winning. But even as a late announcer, he should still be able to debate some of the candidates if he is on the ticket. Another debate would probably help the last few undecided voters figure out who they want to be the next President.

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