Friday, April 4, 2008

Artistic Mediation

Artists can create illusions. So can the government. They each work in different ways, but the artist is able to use this ability as a response to political issues. The political system is not always aware of the response or satire, yet millions of others can view it. In this way, artists can put their two cents into the picture and even effect the news media. For example, artistic protests held at the Republican National Convention create a hubbub, attracting news hounds. Artistic mediation is a way to promote discussion and questions; it shows that people should not just accept what is going on in the world without speaking up.
The creation of the Experimental Party with an avatar running for President was a great way for artists to alter political thinking. If enough people look at the website or research it, they will gain new ideas concerning the Presidential race. Obviously a virtual character cannot actually run for President, but he can represent and vocalize issues that need to be heard.
Artistic mediation does not change the government or stop corruption, but it does enable a larger number of people to question and think differently. Art captures attention. It is meant for an audience. And the audience is meant to analyze it. Through art, one can get an audience to feel a certain way and to think a certain way, therefore effecting change in some way, and in many cases in a political manner.

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