Thursday, January 17, 2008

Does the birth of a new medium translate into an ultimate death for another?

With the creation of the cassette tape, vinyl records and their players slowly died as a popular product. The same thing happened to tapes with the birth of CDs, VHS with the invention of the DVD, and eventually the DVD may disappear and movies will be purchased only on a computer. The computer is a medium that enables almost anything to be accomplished: from sending mail and reading books to listening to music, watching movies, and even talking live to others. Yet, I still do not believe that with the progression of the Internet and personal computers that books, snail mail, telephones, or even old records will disappear completely. The fact that the computer does so much almost makes you want to get away from it to send an actual letter or curl up in a chair and read a book. Alan Kay thought 36 years ago that the computer would replace books, and it has not even come close. Old products have a way of coming back and certain mediums will never disappear. While the computer can do almost everything necessary to survive in the modern day, I think people will prevent the computer from replacing all other products.

1 comment:

Hani said...

i agree with you. comp can do so much, you can't stand it.